Friday, March 14, 2008

It's getting dangerous out there

A kid was shot on the way home from school today in Las Vegas. We have had three school shootings including a dead student in the last month. This is a tragedythat is unexplainable. Except I have a reason. I blame the shitty parents that are raising these kids.

Some would say that I grew up in a place and time was that was very protected, but we had bad kids just like anywhere else and I would bet we had more guns. During hunting season there were atleast 25 percent of all high school boys had a shotgun in the car to go hunting after school.

Herein lies the difference. The difference is I had a father is who sat me down and we talked about gun safety. I also attended Hunter Safety course in Harrisburg, SD when I was twelve years old. My house had three guns in it and by the time I was 15, I had access to all of them. No one ever got shot. If all these kids had parents 1/3 as good as mine our world would be much better off.

Big H

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The problem is not only shitty parents, but also ABSENT parents. It could be argued that absent parents are shitty by default, but kids need serious role models in their homes that can have the serious discussions but also lead by example. Kids need someone to look up to other than 50 Cent, Pac Man Jones, or Michael Vick. I had a witty comment about parents focusing on nurturing their children after enjoying the nature of sex and conception - but lost it at 4:00 AM. Time to step off my soap box.


On a side note --- TOM CREAN BABY!!!